Best coins to invest in 2017
If you make a quick search on this matter, you’ll find the internet is sometimes divided by strong beliefs or even passionate speeches that might remind us of football fans arguing over which team might win the championship. There’s a clear “bitcoin team” which believes the veteran, reliable coin is the only one to consider on longterm, while we also have the “ethereum team” which sees in this coin a more diverse potential and argues intensely that this is the cryptocurrency which deserves your investment. Bitcoin team often implies ethereum is a loss and some even consider it to be a scam. Litecoin fans are usually among bitcoin fans, and you’ll find these are the most conservative people who check the progress in the past year and can assess that, yes, based on market cap and overall growth, bitcoin has definitely deserved the most attention. You might also discover the team of more anonymous coins, they might believe in the growth of smaller coins, which can in the future replace the top 3.
The factors which determine a coin’s value are several: the actual coin’s origins, scarcity, market cap and history, government regulations, financial companies affiliations, political instability (see Brexit, US politics issues or other European unbalance), but also overall market psychology. As you can see, what makes a coin stronger or weaker can be sometimes subjective and theories emerging from all these factors can be contradictory. What we believe is that it’s always good to avoid keeping all your eggs in one basket, thus perhaps you can try investing in several coins and not just one, you never know when a smaller coin could grow (looking throughout bitcoin history, the current value was certainly not estimated by many years ago). You can go with the classics, bitcoin, litecoin and even ethereum, but you could also consider placing investments on steem, monero or other smaller currencies.
What’s important is to always keep an eye on stats and be very up to date with market trends (see Bitcoin's latest update announcement), so you can take fast decisions if the situation requires it. Let’s all monitor coins status and hope to see more innovation and growth in this sector!