First things first, we can’t go into this without first having a look at how Bitcoin’s doing on the market. It seems the $9k threshold is quite a long term stiffy patch, ranging between $8k and $9k has become a pattern in the past weeks, resulting in a low enthusiasm level for newcomers and a peace of mind and new opportunity for experienced traders. It appears that in the past 2 months there’s a been a...
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Today is the day of yet another interesting and positive news on Bitcoin developpment. A town in Switzerland, Chiasso, has now started to take tax payments in BTC, according to coindesk. This city is quite renown for its progressive and innovative tools in terms of financial and tech iniatives. The famous now town has even received a nickname to match its positive endoarsement on BTC, it is named “CryptoPolis” and it already hosts over eight startups...
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Remember a few days ago, when we mentioned how country regulations can affect bitcoin price? It’s now become a clear proof. We saw what happened in the past few days with China banning ICOs and phibiting third parties to link their acitivites to ICOs. This massive news resulted in a dramatic drop on all coins price and left us with tons of questions and concerns. The PBoC (People’s Bank of China) announcement has been...
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Yesterday was a big day for BTC, and we were all amazed to see how fast the coin is approaching a nice round figure, $5,000. The bitcoin price hit $4,802, but then slowly moved back to around $4,762. So, what should we think about all this progress? Is it a real, solid growth, or it’s more of a bubble artificially created? Some financial analists tend to believe there’s a vivid resemblance between the current stage of...
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Major changes have shaken up the crypto world in the past weeks. After long debates and comprehensive work meant to upgrade Bitcoin and bring it to a new level in terms of transaction flow, the famous “hard fork” happened last week and, as a result, a smaller coin called Bitcoin Cash emerged. The crypto communities have had sleepless nights in an attempt to understand and foresee how these events will impact the bitcoin price and if...
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